18 Jan Building A Positive Self-Esteem
Do you feel that you can’t meet your potential?
Are you critical or judgmental of yourself?
What is self-esteem? Esteem and confidence are very important in our lives. Self–esteem represents our opinion about ourselves. It can be positive or negative.
Negative Esteem may prevent us from achieving our dreams and goals and it can affect our everyday life in aspects such as job, education or relationships . Certain common symptoms of negative self-esteem are: pleasing others, a feeling of unhappiness, self-demanding, critical of self etc.
Self-esteem is not standard. It can change depending on our mindset. At times it will be positive and at times it will be negative.
We have so many examples in the Scriptures pointing out that God wants us to be people with self–esteem. There are many verses like the following:
“You are precious in My eyes and honored and I love you” In Isaiah 43:4.
“God created man (us) in His own image.” Genesis 1:27.
“We are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for Good Works” Eph. 2:10.
The scriptures are filled with examples of strong leaders who possessed positive self-esteem. Esther went before the king to plead and save her people. Going before the king without being called was a risk unto death, even for the queen. She fasted and prayed along with her people before going to the king. This incident showed her self-esteem. When she approached the king, he spared her and her people. This is great example of self-esteem derived from God. To have a great esteem like Queen Esther we need to think positively about ourselves. Here are some practical suggestions on how to build a positive esteem.
- Positive Thinking: Manage your inner critics, don’t meditate on your past.
- Prayer and fellowship: Meditating God’s Word, listen from God what He wants from your life
- Efforts: Aim for effort rather than perfection the first time.
- Attitude: View mistakes as an opportunity to learn
- Potential: Use your gifts and talents, Do not hesitate to take credit but thank God for the help and glorify Him in success.
Coping well with the circumstances is positive or great Self Esteem. Thus the Scriptures always encourage us to be positive and depend on God.
Amar Nath, UESI Staffworker Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
Posted at 19:21h, 31 Marchvery nice article