22 Jun John Allen Chau
John Allen Chau was born on 18 Dec 1991, in Vancouver, Washington, United States. As soon as he finished his M.D in Oral Roberts University and he started his journey as an American Missionary going all around the world serving the poor and preaching the gospel. Though his life looks simple, he heard the voice of the Lord to reach the unreached people at Sentinelesse, as his profession moulded him for the very purpose. On November 18’ 2019, he reached the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. It was a stormy season. He prepared himself by prayer and by reading the word of God, so that God might lead him through his will and purpose. After the storm has passed by, he started his Journey early in the morning and reached the Island. He got down the boat and took some tuna fish he had with him. He turned around, and saw two Sentinelesse tribal men armed with bamboo bows and arrows coming towards him shouting in their language. John lifted his tuna and welcomed the tribe people saying, “My name is John, I love you and Jesus loves you”. They came close to him, he gave the tuna and all that he had to them and trying to communicate, why he came to Sentinelesse and that he wanted to stay. More armed tribe people came and surrounded him, he realized that something was wrong; they took all that he had and held him at gun point. As one of the Sentinelesses tribal young men fired his arrow towards him which struck his bible, John backed off and got onto his boat.
The next day, he wanted to meet the Sentinelesse people again, and somehow reach out to them. His passion was burning like a fire within him, and he made another trip. Before leaving, he confessed to his friend saying, “The first one to heaven wins”. He knew in his heart that at any cost, even at the cost of his life, will he preach the gospel to this people. Later that day, he reached the Sentinelesse, never to return. A team of fishermen came in search for him, only to find his dead body being dragged by the tribal people to be buried in the, “Shore of Sentinelesse Island”. It takes a lot of courage and commitment to do what God wants us to do, what more can we do than to sacrifice our very lives to God. Our daily life in itself is a sacrifice, when we choose to live a life of testimony in the midst of people who don’t know Christ as their Saviour.
Ms. Sasi Gujai, Teacher lives in Rasipuram, Namakkal district. Involving as a Senior advisor of Rasipuram ICEU.
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