The Dream Team

In Christ we, though many, form one body and each member belongs to all the others. – Rom 12:5.

Esprit de corps or comradeship is a buzz word depicting a form of closeness, oneness and togetherness in human relationships. In Christian life the word ‘fellowship’ is in use signifying a unity of purpose amongst Christians. The word ‘fellowship’ derived from Greek koinonia stands unique both in its meaning and practicality in relationships. Following Christ means love, righteousness, service and these can only be achieved and expressed through relationships. That’s why Billy Graham Says “Christianity is a religion of fellowship”.

In an objective sense faith means the body of truth which God has revealed. It is the sum of Christian teaching. For this faith Paul urges Philippians to strive together (1:27) Jude also exhorts in verse 3, to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints. We are also encouraged in Jude 20 ’But you beloved, building yourselves upon your most holy faith…’ Paul urged Timothy to guard this faith which was committed to his trust (I Tim 6: 19,20). In a subjective sense, faith means a moral and spiritual quality of the individuals by which men are held in relations of confidence in God and fidelity to Him. A person who holds this mentioned faith is often known as an ‘Evangelical’ that is the reason we call ourselves as Evangelical students/graduates. Evangelicals are followers of the Bible, having born again experience, careful about his/her life, takes care to maintain good works and lives a life above reproach.

God saved us by His grace, in another sense all of us are blood-bought children of Christ. So, in Christ Jesus we are all children of God through faith. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor male and female for we are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ then you are Abraham’s seed and heir according to the promise. (Gal 3:26,28). God saved us not to live alone but to live in harmony with other believers in Christ in spite of their background, no doubt, we are the blood-bought children of God from every tribe, language, people group and nation (Rev 5:29).

Every person on earth is created in God’s image (Gen 1:27). Since man is a social animal, people are eager to become members of a group to satisfy some or all of their needs. However, whether rich or poor, no one is favoured more than any other in God’s eyes (Rom 2:11). We glorify our great God when we refuse to show favouritism (Jas 2:1) in our groups, especially while making decisions. The apostle Paul reminds us that sin would always bring trouble, selfish desires and conflict in relationships. But as those who are made alive in Christ, we are called to live out our new identity in practical ways. We must make every effort to keep the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace. Unity is a powerful force while disunity costs us our credibility. But our egos often defy logic. We would rather lose with an unbroken will than win by submission. There is no reason for the world to believe we are from God if we act like the devil.

The church is made by people with many cultural barriers, potentials, tastes and preferences. It is not easy to unite one another for a common cause. Sometimes as believers in Christ we are challenged to learn and play tug of war game. Personal agenda, selfish desires and conflicts becomes hurdles to ministry. That’s why Apostle Paul commended Philippians to have Christ-like attitude/mind and pleaded with Euodia and Syntyche to be of the same mind in the Lord (4:2). We can’t achieve unity by our own power, but only by God’s perfect power that is at work within us (Eph 3:20). We need to be baptized in the spirit of love by the One Who alone creates genuine unity and gives us the heart to serve one another instead of seeking pre-eminence. When the Holy Spirit convicts us, we must submit or we will never accomplish all that God has called us for.

Together Melanie and Trevor have hiked miles of mountain trails, but both cannot do without the other. Melanie was born with spina bifida and uses a wheelchair. Trevor lost his sight to glaucoma. As he walks the trails, Trevor carries Melanie on his back, while she gives him verbal directions. They describe themselves as a dream team. We are all created by God and bound together in one beloved human family. God has created each of us, regardless of gender, social class, ethnic identity or political persuasion in His own image (Gen 1:27).

Whatever else might be true, God is reflected in both you and me. Furthermore, He’s given us a shared purpose to ‘fill’ and ‘rule’ God’s world with wisdom and care (v28). Whenever we forget how we are bound together in God, we do damage to ourselves and others. But when we come together in His grace and truth, we participate in His desire to create a good and flourishing world. Israel trusted in their high walls, but God said their security lay with Him. He reigns from heaven, and His Word governs all (Isa 55:10-11). If God’s people would return to Him and stand together, He would have mercy on them, and restore them to bless the world (Gen 12:3).

Transformation happens whenever we open ourselves to see another’s experience, looking beyond our own vision and encountering another’s pain, fear or hope. When we follow Jesus’ example, we would do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Instead, we will value others above ourselves in humility. We gain compassion for others as we discover new ways to love our family and fellow believers.

In the year 2016, we conducted a regional spiritual life conference in AP, and were part of the coordinating committee. Though the venue could accommodate only around 600-700, more than 1000 delegates participated and were blessed. This was only because, as a team, all the students, graduates and their families encouraged one another and everyone tried their very best for the glory of God. As we team up with God and His people, we can enjoy godly fellowship anytime and anywhere.
May the Lord our God help us to live in unity amid all our diversity through His power.

Dr Israel Raju Vuram, Professor in Management Studies, Visakhapatnam, A.P, member on CND Committee and UESI-PT. He is married to Beulah and blessed with daughter Hadassah and son Enoch. He was an Honorary Editor of Vidyardhi Jwala, UESI-AP Magazine. You can reach him at:


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