Kingdom Building in an Era of Artificial Intelligence!

Technology, as a digital tool entrusted to mankind, holds immense potential to fulfil God’s mandate to ‘be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, subdue it, and have dominion’ (Gen 1:28) over all creation. Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands out as one such technology, empowering computers to simulate human intelligence and problem-solving capabilities. It is noteworthy that one of the earliest manifestations of the Spirit’s empowerment in the Bible enabled individuals to utilize materials from God’s creation—such as wood, natural fibres, metals, and rocks—to craft wonders, as exemplified in the construction of the Tabernacle (Exodus 31:1–6). Throughout history, individuals blessed by God have employed their skills and talents in science and technology to advance human flourishing. However, the technological domain, like humanity itself, is flawed, with scientific prowess often misused for destructive ends.

Machine Learning (ML), a subset of AI, focuses on using data and algorithms to enable computers to imitate human learning processes, thereby enhancing their accuracy over time. Social media platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook leverage ML to curate feeds tailored to individual preferences, analysing browsing data and conversational patterns to deliver personalized content.

Like any tool, AI possesses the potential to be both a boon and a bane in our lives.

In today’s digital age, AI has permeated the lives of countless individuals through various technologies. From navigation apps like Google Maps to conversational agents like ChatGPT and recommendation systems on platforms like YouTube Music, AI and ML are utilized to customize user experiences to specific needs. However, the rapid advancement of technology occasionally overwhelms us, blurring the lines between virtual and real, as seen in the creation of lifelike virtual personalities or AI-enabled manipulation of images and videos. As Christians, it is our responsibility to understand the nuances of these pervasive and disruptive technologies and engage with them proactively.

To navigate today’s digital world effectively, it is crucial to comprehend the sheer volume of data generated daily—2.5 quintillion bytes, equivalent to 2.5 followed by 18 zeros. Harnessing this data wave toward glorifying God’s Kingdom requires the utilization of AI. The potential of ML and AI extends to:

  1. Accelerating Bible translation efforts to more languages, thus expediting Gospel dissemination.
  2. Providing hope to those seeking answers on social media platforms.
  3. Identifying job opportunities in unreached regions through deep analysis of job openings worldwide.
  4. Serving the needy, poor, and vulnerable by offering better crop advisory services, managing logistics for disaster relief, and creating customized helplines for individuals in distress.

“The world is yet to see what God can do with a fully consecrated individual” aided by AI and ML. It is incumbent upon today’s generation to embrace these technologies and serve God and His people in deeper ways.

AI has opened up a world of possibilities for Kingdom citizens, facilitating the fulfilment of the Creation mandate of stewardship
and the Great Commission to spread the message of salvation.

However, alongside these opportunities, it is imperative to acknowledge the challenges/dangers associated with AI:

  • Lack of transparency and explainability in AI decision-making processes.
  • Job displacement due to AI automation, with estimates suggesting 300 million full-time jobs could be lost.
  • Social manipulation through AI algorithms, as evidenced by addictive social media algorithms highlighted in documentaries like “The Social Dilemma.”
  • Social surveillance, exemplified by facial recognition technologies used for tracking individuals’ movements.
  • Privacy concerns stemming from the mass collection of data, compromising individuals’ privacy rights.
  • Biases inherent in AI systems due to skewed datasets, influencing decision-making processes.
  • Financial crises resulting from algorithmic trading and financial terrorism.

As stewards of creation, it is incumbent upon the Children of God to redeem and unify all things under Christ. Christian engineers, technology users, IT experts, and activists can contribute to creating Responsible AI in the following ways:

1.Responsible Development and Release of Generative AI

  • Build public awareness of AI
  • capabilities and their limitations
  • Encourage alignment and participation through stakeholder consultations
  • Uphold AI accountability with rigorous benchmarking to avoid misuse
  • Adopt transparent release strategies
  • Enable user feedback
  • Ensure content traceability

2. Open Innovation and International Collaboration

  • Incentivize public-private research coordination
  • Build a common registry of models, tools, benchmarks and best practices
  • Support responsible open innovation and knowledge sharing
  • Establish a global AI governance initiative

3. Social Progress

  • Prioritize social progress (where impact on the most vulnerable to be accounted for)
  • Drive AI literacy across society
  • Incentivize innovation for social good
  • Address resource and infrastructure disparities
  • Promote generative AI expertise within governments

In conclusion, technology is a God-given tool for humanity to glorify and serve one another. Engaging AI in God-glorifying pathways can propel His mandates forward across boundaries. Failure to do so risks allowing malevolent forces to exploit these technologies for destruction. As Mordecai reminded Esther, each individual may have been placed in their position “for such a time as this,” to contribute to God’s Kingdom using digital aids.

Dipin V Panicker is working as a livelihood consultant in Meghalaya. He is married to Rijo Ann Varghese and they are blessed with a son, Luca. Both are part of Tura EGF, Meghalaya. He is currently holding the chair of Task Group on Campus Challenges, FDD, UESI. He can be reached at

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