16 Oct A Life That Looks Like the Great Commission
What do all our lives look like? Since I understood the mission which God gave us I wonder about this question as I view my life from the past two years, where I observe various entities that cross my eyes, whether it be the vehicles running on the road, the sweepers sweeping, a father teaching his son to walk while holding his hand, an aunt, young people playing in the garden, or even myself experimenting in my laboratory. We, mortals, think that our labors, duties, commissions, and resourcefulness in this life are very important. Amusingly, the book of Ecclesiastes amazes me, where the ‘teacher’ describes everything as vanity, nothing new and lasting under the sun but just an assertion that life ends in death and judgment.
We read in Acts 1:8 about “power” that Jesus promised while giving the Great Commission to His disciples before His ascension-“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” This verse summarizes my beliefs for the work I do on this earth, not just as an individual, but also as God’s redeemed creation. This power is not an ordinary one, but something that has been changing the entire world, including mankind, in submission to the Trinity for the great Mission that Jesus gave us. The Gospel declares that forgiveness of sins and restoration to the Father through His Son will be preached to all nations. Provisionally, we become part of this commission the day we hear the Gospel and are saved through it.
Considering the command of Jesus Christ to disciple all nations as our topmost priority doesn’t come easy, probably because we feel comfortable where we are or may be because of the importance of other things over the Great Commission! But it is contradictory when we view ourselves as children of God and yet are not burdened with this Commission that He expects from His children.
I recall how God had given me the burden through this commandment during a UESI Mission Exposure program in 2021, particularly on His desire to bring restoration to humanity. Additionally, I attended a state missions conference in 2020 where I heard the testimonies of His servants, which inspired me to fully commit to God at the appropriate time and invest in Him. My perceptions of God’s command have been shaped by how Scriptures are taught in mission-related programs, where God has called His people to move outside of their territories for His Great Commission. Throughout the learning of this command, I viewed myself and my life differently from that of others. This command led my mind when I understood I was saved, loved, redeemed, respected, and forgiven. I realized that there are people around me, near my house, and even across the globe who need to hear about the Gospel and my faith from me and my life. While I meditate and pray,
God calls me to fulfill His will in me and grants me enough strength to continue doing the work, which is actually not my work but His work. His command humbles me.
While being a student and a young child of God, I have come across certain things in my life where I have questioned my existence, faith, and values due to downfalls, and physical and mental health. It was only through the walk with Him that He gave me specific guidance to set my faith and values high, feel forgiven, and ultimately fulfill the purpose of my life. More the intimacy with the Lord, more the guidance, more the burden for His command, and more the love for Him which keeps calling me, and assuring me to make my life complete in His command. This still does not state that His work is separated from my daily life! As I hope to do what God wants me to do with my life, either in college as a student, as an adult in my workplace, as a friend to my neighbor, or as a stranger to this world, I have always tried to configure ways to accomplish God’s task and will through me. The decisions and initiatives I make, the responsibilities I carry, and the plans I make for my life ahead are centered around this immense love for God, where He asked me, just as He asked Peter in John 21:15–17, “Do you love me more than these? Feed my lambs. Take care of my sheep”. I love Him with all the might I have within me, especially for His good and great commission more than anything else in this world.
Romans 12:14–15 says, “How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Indeed, this is a beautiful responsibility to share our faith and re-introspecting on what is most important in our lives. It is God’s calling as a growing relationship that enables me to pause every day in my life and draw closer to Him and His mission. It is the empathy for this world that He inculcates in me through His Word every day, which is much more important than myself, and equips me to be His hands and feet for this world. The day we realize the joy of fulfilling His commission will be the day our lives will exactly look like His children.
Krupa Christi, pursuing Masters in Biotechnology final year, GSFC University, Vadodara, Gujarat. She has been involved in UESI since 2018 and currently belongs to Vadodara ICEU. She is also the chair of National Students Cell.
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