A Map for a Maze

Friends! I’m Ritik, just an average student on the edge of completing my B. Com (Honors) degree. When I was handed this topic, I have to admit, I felt a surge of nerves. It’s not every day you dive into discussions as sensitive and complex as LGBTQIA from a biblical perspective. The funniest part is when you think about this topic you get only questions and if you have ever thought about it you know there are so many thoughts, approaches, and beliefs swirling around, it is like navigating a maze without a map!
In our modern world, it’s no secret that many, especially young believers like us, feel a bit lost when it comes to responding to these issues. We’re overwhelmed with questions about what it means to be a Christian in today’s society, especially when it comes to topics like sexuality and gender identity. It’s actually very easy to feel overwhelmed or unsure about where we stand and how to navigate these waters with grace and truth.

First, it’s important to have a strong and differential understanding between Gender Expression and Sexual Orientation. Gender expression refers to how we intentionally communicate our gender through various means such as clothing, behavior, hairstyle, and interactions. It’s a deliberate expression of identity. On the other hand, Sexual Orientation is simply, who we are attracted to and desire relationships with, it includes categories like Gay, Lesbian, Straight, Bisexual, and Asexual. It’s important to note that sexual orientation is different from gender identity. Gender identity relates to a deeper sense of whether one identifies as male, female, or another gender. For example, if someone is born biologically male but from inside he feels like a female, their Gender Identity is female. It’s about who we are internally, not just our outward appearance.

“The biblical perspective on gender and sexuality is rooted in Genesis 1:27-28, which states, ‘So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth . . . have dominion.”’ This foundational passage highlights the importance of the divine intention of God behind human creation, emphasizing both the biologically unique characteristics between male and female and the foundational principles of love, marriage, fidelity, and reproduction. From a Christian worldview, these aspects are interconnected, forming a holistic understanding of gender and sex that honors God’s design for humanity.”

In understanding the scriptural foundations of gender, it is essential to recognize the biblical view as binary, considering only male and female as distinct categories. The concept of Gender Identity within biblical context aligns with the organic unity of biological sex and gender, where male and female are uniquely and specifically designed to be fruitful and have children. This perspective also informs the biblical stance on homosexuality, as conveyed clearly by Paul in Romans 1:26-27, where he addresses the deviation from natural male-female sexual relations.
In the Old Testament, specifically in Leviticus 18:22 and 20:10-16, various sexual sins, including incest, adultery, bestiality, and homosexuality, are categorized together as punishable by death. The stance of Judaism regarding homosexual relations was unequivocal, deeming them as abominable acts. Notably, from Genesis to Revelation, there is no passage that condones or approves of homosexual practices within the biblical narrative.

As we are moving to the end, I just want to say that I know the Bible is very harsh and clearly against LGBTQIA practices, it even uses the word ‘Death’ as punishment for them. But sometimes staying open for everything that comes our way can lead us to the separation from God. And we all know that a plant without soil cannot live. The Bible teaches us very clearly to be careful. As we saw, God has a very special and divine intention behind human creation, by uniquely creating the roles of male and female in love, marriage, fidelity, and reproduction. This understanding honors God’s design for humanity, rooted in the interconnectedness of biological sex and Gender Identity, while also providing clear guidance on matters such as homosexuality as articulated in Romans 1:26-27.

I hope that I was able to be clear on a few basics and help clear a few doubts and bring you back to the foundational principles of the Bible. May God be with you as you seek His guidance and wisdom on the same! Blessings to you all on this journey of faith and discovery.

Ritik is a student from West Delhi ICEU. He is ambitious and eager to contribute to student ministry, he loves traveling, meeting new people, and exploring new opportunities. Currently, he holds the positions of Treasurer and Follow-up Secretary in West Delhi ICEU.

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