27 Sep Book Review – Add To Your Faith . . Excellence
Published by: Haggai Institute India
No of pages: 169 Price: Rs 200 Author: PKD Lee
PKD Lee is a Engineer who served in Indian Railways for 18 years in various senior management roles. He went on to become GM of the Govt mint in Kolkata. He then worked with Haggai Institute in developing Christian leaders around the world, teaching Christian Leadership principles and organising the alumni network. Now lives in Hyderabad.
In his book, P.K.D. Lee defines the leader as one who creates change, obviously for good of the led.
By sitting through few of his sessions, I can see him as a real leader and also understood how effectively he did the job of delegating.
P.K.D. Lee sets the stage by setting a challenge to leadership and explains the characterists of successful leaders in 7 chapters. While the world looks at a handful as leaders and others as not so, the statements of P.K.D. Lee, “All can be leaders and the decision is upto us”, “All are called to be leaders and the decision is upto us”, made me stop by and read on.
Paul says the church is like a body, each organ has leadership role to play. Eye is a leader while seeing, Feet is a leader while running/ walking. All are leaders in our area of expertise and responsibility.
Chapter 1 deals with Leaders’ Attitude – leaders attitude to Gain in which the genuine leaders are those who love wisdom and not gain or honour. They are motivated by the knowledge of God’s will. The inner-directed man, God oriented man looks at what God is doing and identifies himself with that. In this way the leader is willing to bring about change & innovation in meeting the needs around. The true leaders are the creative minority who use the power for improving the society, whereas the dominant people are concerned about retaining power.
Chapter 2, “A Leader’s Faith and Call” – talks on how a leader is motivated by faith. Builds Faith and exercises faith. Also builds the vision and integrates his life to his vision. While dealing with leader’s call, the author explains as how a leader hears God’s call and avoids hindrances to hearing God’s call. Only with a real, clear call & vision from God, anyone can be a blessing to the people.
Chapter 3, “A leader and his abilities” – presents the picture of the leader, who is well-informed, develops his skills, acquires wisdom and strives for excellence. The growing in relationship with God provides wisdom and a model PKD Lee suggests is: Prayer – Bible study – Fellowship – Witnessing – Worship; Breathing – Eating – Exercise – Work – Rest
Chapter 4, “A Leader is A Steward”, emphasizes on a leader setting the personal relationship right with God, maintaining it, giving to God freely, creates time for God (by setting priorities, studying the use of time, and delegating effectively), reliability & accountability in stewardship.
Chapter 5, “A Leader Motivates People”, talks about a leader motivating with a vision, communicating & making people accept his vision and giving direction with his vision.
Chapter 6, “A Leader Builds Relationships”, emphasizes on a leader building trust, gets people involved, understands & listens to people, shows trust by delegating, has concern for people and always looks for win/win while the value system of the world around us is win/lose.
“Leaders trust in people and generate trust from people”.
I like PKD Lee’s definition of love as “Empowering people to become what God wants them to be”.
When I read this book in one of our UESI leader’s home recently, I couldn’t leave it until I completed reading it. But had I read it in the early stage of my life, it would have made a big difference in my life. Hence I recommend this book to each and every one of you, who are EU/EGF cell leaders, EU/EGF committee members and for all aspiring leaders.
When you read this and apply them in your life, you, a leader with great potentials can lead many towards the transformation.
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About the Author
Joy Esther Jebaraj is software professional and her husband is a staff with UESI. They live in Chennai.
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