14 Aug Homosexuality – A Christian Response
JOHN 8: 1-12 LUKE 15:11-32
Addressing homosexuality in this day and age is becoming a huge challenge to everyone involved with it and against it. It is not as simple as addressing a particular anomaly in sexual orientation, it is also to address the societal stigma, secrecy, anonymity, psychological guilt, biophysical urges and the spiritual loss that entails it. To address this topic is to run the risk of being charged as intrusive, offensive and insensitive. To address this topic is to indulge in a tussle between the emotional and mental states of a human being, where individual feelings and physical instincts, battle with truth that might seem impractical at times. To address this topic is to bring peace between eternally warring factions of judgemental attitudes (based on cultural and religious dictats) and the subsequent rebellious attitudes of those charged guilty.
In Popular Culture (media, movies, books, etc.,) the growth of a belief in NO-GOD (thus no moral restrictions) and Existentialism (make as much hay when you live) have to a larger extent made advocates of Homosexuality, popular icons, while even great academicians who profess it as an unnatural act are being booed out of the public space. Religious spokespersons who voice against it are being made to look decadent and antique by populist media. You just have to look at the social media to get a hang of the various verbal volleys thrown at them. On the other hand you can see a few religious groups claiming to be moral-police, physically and psychologically harassing them, thus making the case of homosexuality stronger.
How can we as Christians respond to such a complicated issue? How are we to respond to them with the love of Christ without compromising the truth? One needs to be politically correct and at the same time bring forth truth without being judgemental. I would like to offer a way, to respond as Christ would, to this genetic aberration, through the portions John 8: 1-12 and Luke 15:11-32.
Humility and Personal Vulnerabilities
Let him who is without sin among you be the fi rst to throw a stone at her, Jn 8:1-7. Humility is the first step, because ‘if we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and truth is not in us’ 1 Jn 1:8. Response to homosexuality is a complex issue with a simple core truth within it (that it is Sodomy). Rather than being proud of one’s spirituality in forming judgemental mentalities, If we can understand our own fragile vulnerabilities with humility, that would be the best place to start.
Do not Compromise
Jesus stood up and said to her, Woman where are they? Has no one condemned you? She said, No one LORD.” And Jesus said, either do I condemn you; go, and from now on, SIN NO MORE, Jn 8:10,11. Being non-judgemental doesn’t mean to keep quiet regarding the evil of our times. Many a Christian has compromised the Word of God by keeping silent, when he should have really raised his voice. Homosexual orientation is SIN and there are no two ways about it. It is both immoral and unnatural. Though JESUS protected the woman caught in adultery and did not condemn her, He also did not compromise with the truth for He said ‘from now on, sin no more.’
Wisdom and Power
Superficial understanding and knowledge is attractive but only wisdom and understanding from wisdom (Christ Himself) can HEAL in reality.
A Christian’s response to Homosexuality cannot be a one word answer to one person, since it involves lots of permutation and combination in the psychological realm that can snowball through the fabric of inter-personal relations to wreak havoc in social harmony. It can only be addressed by an intelligent being in tune with wisdom (Christ) within him. Seek wisdom from Christ because He transcends all boundaries and is above all (Jn 3:31). We should bathe in the wisdom of God before we respond, and should bank on the POWER OF GOD alone to bring healing in the societal, psychological, spiritual and biophysical arena. Go to CHRIST before dealing with homosexuals because He is the POWER to heal and the WISDOM to respond (1 Cor. 29 1:24). Also read James 3:13-18.
Secrecy and Exposure
I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life, Jn 8:12 The shame of identification and exclusion leads to blanketing of truth by those caught in the grip of homosexuality. It is a fact that secrecy and anonymity are the greatest hindrances in addressing homosexuality. What we see in the public domain is just a tip of the iceberg, as many tend to hide their unhealed passions, just to avoid public disgrace. We as Christians have the appropriate answer for this, as the Spirit of Christ within us is a light that attracts moths. Light not only exposes darkness, but also provides eyesight to deal with the problem. We need to indulge in incessant prayers to God to move the hearts of those affected, and to empower their minds, to shed secrecy and share with us their inabilities.
Identify and Embrace
We as a community need to identify ourselves with them and embrace homosexuals into our homes, circle of friends and prayer groups. We need the SPIRIT OF LOVE within us, so that people in deep set needs can come to find fulfilment in Christ. Invite them in as JESUS did (Matt. 9:11-13), not to be silent or to vindicate their actions and attitudes, but to protect them and share the truth in love. Then only transformation can happen; a healing that covers all aspects.
Duty and Responsibility
A true Christian is the one who has understood the heart and mind of the Heavenly Father and acts as God would. Jesus did not worry about HIS self-image when HE socialized with sinners. He did not care when people criticized Him. He was bent upon, on bringing peace between the lost children in sin and the HOLY FATHER in heaven.
As Christians, is it not our call to imitate Christ (1 Jn 3:16). Are we still afraid that we would be identified as a homosexual if we socialize with them? Are we sill claiming a Moral high ground by branding them sinners, yet doing nothing to help them? Are we hiding the light that JESUS gave us under a basket (Matt 5:15)? Please respond as the Father in heaven is weeping over His prodigal sons and daughters.
About the Author
Immanuel Ebbie Francis
The author is a learner for life under JESUS, sent out to live, preach, teach and propagate the KINGDOM OF GOD to all creation. He is also the Founder, Sweeper & Chaiwalah of MARTOOS-Live Like JESUS Movement.
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