23 Aug “How to ascertain the Will of God”
What does God want you to do with your life? May be you have an idea of what He is calling you to but you’d like confirmation. Or maybe you’re not sure what God’s will is. If we want to discover God’s will for our lives, then we need to intentionally draw near to Him every day. And although there isn’t one correct way to do this, there are steps we can take that helps. Also, Before taking any tough, difficult, and important decisions in one’s life, remember to do the following points. It is imperative to withdraw from all known sin Ps. 66:17–20 and to seek God’s will as a cleansed person. 1 Jn 1:9.
1. Surrender your own will. As you begin to seek God’s will, get your heart into such a state that it has no will of its own regarding a given matter. Most of the difficulties are overcome when our heart is ready to do God’s will.
2. Do not depend on feelings. Leaning towards the feelings will make one liable to great delusions.
3. Seek the Holy Spirit’s will through God’s Word. The Holy Spirit guides us according to the Scripture and is never contrary to the truths of the Word of God. Ps 118:11. (Beware of isolating special verses and taking them as guidance, unless confirmed to you in other ways.)
4. Note providential circumstances. Make a spiritual-minded interpretation of events. Remember Satan acts to deter and hinder us from God’s will. I Thes 2:18; 1 Tim 4:1
5. Pray. Keep the matter constantly before God in Prayer. Acts 13:1-3
6. Wait. Wait on God till you get the peace of God that passes all human understanding. Willingness to submit to the Lord’s direction is a basic prerequisite.
7. Be committed. Rom 12:1&2. Wholehearted trust. Pro 3:5&6 says “Trust the Lord with all your heart.” James says, “A double-minded man is unstable.” So IMPLICITLY TRUST GOD about the matter.
8. Wear Christ’s Yoke: Mt 11:29. Taking His yoke means:
a. Learning from close contact.
b. Being steered in the right direction.
c. Moving at a right pace.
9. Wisdom of Counsellors. Share your concern with spiritually-minded seniors whose opinion you value. Very often confirmation comes through their reaction or advice. Pro 1:5; 12:15
10. Ways of guidance for others. Study the biographies of men of God, from Scripture, as well as historical stalwarts and missionaries’ lives. Acts 10, Jug 6: 37-39. Write down all that, in the ways God is leading you.
11. Be prepared to step out in faith. If you know God has spoken, then the only course is to obey trusting Him. Luke 5:1-9
12. Share with your close friend in the Lord, who will stand with you in positive faith for God’s mind to be revealed and pray together with.
Rev. Dr. Subrata Fullonton, has been serving the Most High God since 1970. His family lives in Sainikpuri, Hyderabad.
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