06 Mar Miracles can happen!
“Wait!’’ He heard a voice and he looked around to see who it was. There was no one in the room except him. Being frustrated with life, he was about to end it by hanging himself and he heard a voice asking him to wait. Ignoring it, he tried proceeding with the act, for the second and third time. Yet, he heard the same, loving voice urging him to wait. He did wait and wept bitterly over his wasted life.
Augustine was born and brought up in a Christian family. His father was a strict disciplinarian and saw to it that his children attended church regularly and were also on time to church. Yet Augustine didn’t understand the love of Christ in his life. He also didn’t realize that his father disciplined him because he loved his son.
Feeling unloved, he slowly got into bad habits like smoking, drinking and drugs, starting from his school days. As he entered college, he was completely enslaved to his habits. His interest in music led him to play guitar in Christian camps and meetings. But his heart was not open to listen to the sermons preached there. He went astray from the Lord further and got addicted to other habits like pornography. Yet he was surprised, that his habits didn’t satisfy him, but made him crave for more.
After his graduation, his father passed away suddenly. The responsibility to take care of his mother and sister led him to work in different places. He worked in Africa for awhile and even there he continued his habits. Later his sister (who was a believer) got married.
Motivated by his relative, Augustine started to have a craze to work in U.S. He got a job and his visa was supposed to be processed two days after the twin tower blast and so after the blast his visa was denied. All his dreams shattered but the Lord his Creator permitted it because He had greater plans for his life.
Totally frustrated, he got into more drugs and became a hard-core drug addict. He spent lavishly all his father’s hard-earned money on drugs and for his friends. He used to roam about here and there, simply wasting time with his friends. Because of his bad friendship, he always got into trouble.
Many days, he was caught by the police and got thrashed badly. During those painful moments, he used to resolve never to commit crimes again. But he was never able to keep up his resolutions.
His widowed mother was feeling insecure and hopeless because of his behavior. She went and lived with her daughter’s family in Punjab. There, they all prayed fervently for a change in Augustine’s life. ‘The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective,” James 5:16.
Things became worse. When he became penniless, his friends left him and they plotted to kill him. During that period, he didn’t know that Christ said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you”.
Having got the information of the impending danger, he decided to end his life. But God in His abundant mercies, prevented him and preserved his life. Feeling lonely and fearful, he left his home in Trichy. God led him to Jalandar where his sister’s family was living. He was taking drugs throughout his journey in the train. To everyone’s amazement, his longing for drugs (16 years addiction) just vanished like a mist in the air as soon as he got off the train. Yet he did not give his life over to Jesus. He was very restless, as St Augustine has said, “Our souls are restless, until they find their rest in You”.
Later, Mr Michael Sundersingh, former UESI staffworker kept visiting him and shared the Gospel. One fine day, God opened his eyes to the Truth. A deep sense of repentance came over and started confessing his sins one by one to God. He felt very light like a feather and his joy knew no bounds. Next few days, he kept feeding on God’s Word.
Then, God took him to a residential school to work. There he was a witness especially to the students from North-East. In the same year God gave him a loving, believing girl as his life partner. Doctors earlier had told that he can never have a child because of his drug addiction. But God gave them, 2 lovely girls.
Later God led them to Coimbatore. Our brother late Franklin Ebenezar mentored him to grow spiritually. He is presently working as a Manager in an auditing firm and helping with the Mentoring Ministries. A useless life in the Hands of our loving God has changed into a useful life!
Do miracles happen even today? Yes, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever! Don’t lose heart if you are praying for somebody who is addicted to bad habits.
Priscilla Augustine
The author lives in Coimbatore with her husband Augustine and their daughters Jemima and Jennifer. They involve as a family in Mentoring Ministries.
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