26 Nov Wanted Doers, not ‘Say’ers!
The following words by Benjamin Franklin boggle my mind in great measures; “Well done is always better than well said.” God has created the human mouth with specific functions; to praise Him, to testify about Him, to confess Him as God, to reveal what is in our hearts, to laugh and kiss our loved ones, to eat and to drink but we instead use it for flattery, arrogance, lies, gossip, and praising our own self. Before I had my personal encounter with Christ I usually used to talk the talk but hardly walk the talk. The main reason behind this was that I was not familiar with humility.
Humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less (C. S. Lewis). Humility is when you do not use words for image management or self-promotion but your life shouts about your talents and accomplishments. We all have never been perfect in listening to our parents but surely, we have been perfect in imitating them in some way or another. In a world full of economic, political and social hierarchies, humility is a hard sell. People crave to make others realize how talented they are. This is a natural human longing. Jesus is the consummate example of humility and how to walk the talk. He was God’s own son, nobody born of flesh will ever be greater than He. My mind boggles at the depth of His humility when I ponder upon His birth.
Jesus said that the one who comes to me, hears my words and puts them into practice is like a man building a house on a deep foundation on a rock so that when floods and storms came they could not shake it. But the one who comes to me, hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man building a house on sand without a foundation and when the storms come it is completely destroyed. In Matthew 7:21 Jesus says “Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my father in heaven.” Jesus is not looking for people who can speak all the nice things. It is not enough to hear the word and agree with it unless you show interest in obeying it. How can you witness Christ in your campus when you yourself cheat during your exam? How can you help leading Bible study when you yourself lie all the time? How can you expect friends to come visit and pray for you in sickness when you yourself never do intercessory prayer for others?
May your life preach the love of Christ, not your words but your actions. Whatever you say, may you be able to do much more than that to reflect Christ from your lives. At last, may we all not be Sayers but doers of the word, shinning and preaching Jesus from our lives by opening our homes, serving with our hands, encouraging through meals and offering prayers because we all know it well, the world is not changed by our opinions but by our actions.
Ms. Stuti Farmer, is a student in Dehradun of B. Sc 2nd year. She loves singing and writing. She is actively involved in EU ministry.
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