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Mark of a Deity

Roy Horsey

“No man ever spoke like this man,” This is as true as it was when spoken of Christ in the days of His flesh. Why were His assertions different from those of His day? And why do they still stand out boldly against the words of men today? Because He spoke and speaks with authority.

Has the coming of any contemporary of ours been reported in detail 1000 years or even 10 years before he appeared? Who in this day could say, “Destroy this body of mine and in three days I will raise it up”? Who will risk speaking of the future in precise terms, and who will give assurance as to the fate of anyone after death?

We lack in this world today an authoritative voice, the voice of one who knows, and who has the power to perform. But is that really strange? Can there be more than one final voice? The fact of God is evidenced the lack of authority on earth. By denying the only real authority on every page, men have been able to invent an adequate substitute. When we read the Bible we find His authority on every page. And we find from Genesis to Revelation that the divine authority is expressed through the Son, Jesus.

Throughout His time on earth He asserted His authority. He said, “I will build my church.” “All authority is given unto me.” The Father has committed all authority to the Son. He is the final authority. He is Lord.
He gives wise men their wisdom and scholars their intelligence. He reveals profound mysteries beyond man’s understanding. He knows all hidden things for He is light and to His darkness is no obstacle. He demonstrated His authority over the elements, animals, death, illness and demons.

Today He is shown in His dealings with the nations. World events are under His control. For it was He who said, “I will overturn, overturn, overturn.” Beyond and above all rulers, Hs is the supreme authority to whom all must give account.
The solution for the problems of the individual, church and nations is to acknowledge His right, His authority now. He has made His will known in the inspired Scriptures. If any man wills to know, he shall know and be free. He is the great artificer and will make a masterpiece out of that which is pliable in His hands. His pleas is always, “Come to me, yield to me. I have the authority, the power, to give peace; I will make all things new.”

Recognizing the authority of Jesus Christ has made Biblical Christianity the most persistently dynamic movement in the history of man. The secret is simply that He has the power to indwell and energize the personality of the individual who is committed to Him.

Courtesy: HIS magazine, January 1966

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