13 Mar Right Perspective
The Bible mentions many wealthy people who loved God – Abraham, David, Joseph of Arimathea, and Lydia. Money isn’t the root of all evil but the love of it is.
As God’s children, we know that money belongs to God. Here are some perspectives towards managing money.
Text books: While buying new text books can be expensive, alternatively gleaning them online stores, 2nd hand bookshops or as e-book formats will be handy.
Tuition/Coaching: Tuition and coaching are common and often cost more than the actual courses. If students attend classes, the dependency on tuition can be eliminated. There are free university lectures on YouTube.
Housing: Many college students rent a house for convenince and are forced to pay a lump sum every month. But students who share rooms lessen their burden and get chances help others in study and in spiritual matters.
Food: Getting food on time is one of the advantages of staying in campus hostel. Don’t be drawn to junk foods.
Spending money on parties and picnics affects monthly budget. Stopping these activities will help to save some amount of money.
Offers & deals on gadgets, attires, etc., bombard us everyday. Let us pause to and ask if such a thing is needed at all and do we have money. Students should never fall prey to the habit of borrowing.
Bottom line is “honor the Lord with your wealth and from the first of all produce. Then he will fill your barns with grain.” Pro. 3:9-10. Instead of viewing money as ours we must see it as God’s gift to us, which needs to be spent wisely.
Amar Nath
Amar Nath and his wife Pooja are UESI Staffworkers, based in Shimla, HP.
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