11 Jan A unique Identity
It appears that, to be a disciple is being alone in the world as a stranger and wanderer facing persecution and insult from those who oppose us. In line with this thought, Peter said that the disciples are strangers and wanderers and, Paul adds further saying that we are not the citizens of the world. Jesus said that he is not from this world; it means that he is from above and his kingdom is heavenly.
As disciples, we are strangers to the world, then the question arises, ‘what is our identity as a disciple? ’where do we belong, how we belong to and why we belong to’, it is important and significant to understand this to be clear with our journey as a disciple.
A unique disciple:
A disciple, as a title, is not an isolated word; it is connected with the person whom he is following. The ‘disciple mark’ was first given to the follower of Moses and in the NT Jesus Christ calls his follower, a disciple.
Jesus’ disciples are not mere followers of a few instructions or set of commandments; They are the followers of Jesus Christ who promised them to be his disciples forever and ever. The relationship of the disciple and Jesus Christ is a unique one. The absence of this unique relationship will lead to a one-way relationship and the disciple will become a devotee.
Jesus’ disciples are followers of Jesus Christ to be his disciples and make disciples of all nations. The fruit of making disciples ends with an ultimate relationship with him in the new heaven and new earth.
Jesus’ disciples are not followers of a different path but the path Jesus took of persecution and crucifixion to reach his father in heaven. Just like Jesus, we must go through persecution and trials to reach the destination of being with Him.
A Unique relationship:
Jesus’ disciples don’t choose to follow him. It is He who has called us to follow him. Jesus calls Peter, John, and Andrew to follow him. He takes the initiative to open our hearts to receive Him as our personal Saviour. The initiative comes from him because we are dead in sin and are trespassers. After we accept him, he seals us with his Holy Spirit (Eph. 1:13).
Once we become his children, there is no need to create our own identity or chase after other identities. God’s child is the greatest identity that God has given us.
Our relationships with our close ones have questions, doubts, and limitations hence the assurance of a relationship with Jesus is a significant one for his disciples. The relationship with Jesus is extended to his Father through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit dwells in our hearts and testifies to our spirit calling him ‘Abba father’,
A Unique identity:
As we call him ‘Abba Father’ through the Holy Spirit, we become the heavenly father’s child.
Jesus’ main aim is to reveal His Father, to show that He and His Father are one, and He is the only way to the Father. He also promises us to take us to His Father’s house (John 14:2-4). Jesus is the eternal son to the father, then we become the Father’s child. By this, the Father’s son Jesus becomes our elder brother (John 1:12, John 20:17). We get included in the divine family through the identity of God’s child and we belong to God’s divine family.
As disciples, we look like fools before the world but we are God’s children. God is our Father; Shepherd and He is the creator of us. Being God’s child gives me the answer to the question of who am I? where am I coming from? Where am I going? and what is the purpose of my life. All these questions get answered with the unique identity of ‘I am God’s child’.
Peter Joseph, studied M.E. in Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineering, working in WA Health, Perth Australia. Completed Graduate Diploma of Divinity in 2022 in Perth, Australia. Presently holding the responsibility as Secretary, Global Discipleship Renewal Ministries (Global DRM). Passionate to equip disciples to delight and desire in God’s word by teaching ‘Seeing the Bible as a whole’. Married to Pearline Peter and has two daughters. Contact: peter.joseph@globaldrm.org
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