15 Feb Children of God: True patriots or Anti-nationals
As Indians, we get goosebumps or highly patriotic when we hear news about valiant soldiers fighting on the frontlines with courage and martyred soldiers who die defending the country from enemies. Similarly, we become patriotic when our national song is played in the Olympic stadium and when sports persons from India win medals at Olympics. We feel very proud talking about them and showering laurels upon them bountifully.
On the other hand, we detest our country when we hear news about social evils existing in our land. Child marriage, child infanticide, child labour, child abuse, dowry, sexual abuse, domestic abuse, rape, murder, suicide, bribery, addiction to drugs, alcohol and pornography, police brutality, lack of equity in education and employment, discrimination based on caste, class, colour, religion, language and the evil list goes on and on.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, our country was the worst-hit not only in the health care system but also in the economy and education sector. The lack of vaccines and oxygen cylinders showed the poor condition of our healthcare system. The digital divide caused the underprivileged students in the rural areas to stop their education abruptly. Loss of jobs made the migrant workers get stranded in their places.
Amidst this chaos, our politicians and government were keen on passing bills in the parliament and in conducting election campaigns and elections. As believers, it is very easy to blame the government, media and judiciary for all the mishappening in the country. But how did we contribute towards the upliftment or in the process of alleviating the pain of our country? Have we brought hope to a hopeless soul during this pandemic? These are loaded questions that we need to introspect.
I believe strongly that God has made us Indians for a reason. Over the centuries, missionaries from foreign countries have been coming to India to share the gospel leaving behind the comforts of their home and country. Whereas, in the 21st century, most of the Christian families who are supposed to be salt and light in India, are settling down in foreign countries for financial prospects fulfilling the dream of world-class education and career. The largest unreached group is in India. India is the youngest country in the world since most of its citizens are below the age group of 35 years and the second-most populous country in the world. “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few” (Matthew 9:37).
Let the Lord of the harvest move in our hearts to be an instrument for His glory in the places where we live, study and work. Let schools, colleges, universities and hospitals run by churches and mission organizations provide quality education and health care along with the gospel of Lord Jesus Christ. Let churches and Christian organizations in India serve as places of refuge for the lost souls. Let us resolve to bring the light of Christ to people in the darkness yearning for God’s love and forgiveness of sin.
Lord Jesus Christ says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). “In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16: 33b).
In a world turning atheistic, we find India to be unique in this aspect because the majority of the people in India are ready to worship human beings as ‘God’. They even elevate sports personalities and movie celebrities to the position of ‘God’. Though our country is known for piety, devotion and meditation, our people are blinded by the god of this age from knowing our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
As children of God, we become true patriots when we intercede to God for our nation and when we share the gospel with our fellow Indian brothers and sisters. On the contrary, we become psuedo-nationals when we fail to pray and share the gospel light to those who require a loving Saviour in our country. God loves our country and so we as His children should love our country without any reservation. Let this chorus be our prayer for India.
Shine, Jesus, Shine
Fill this land with the
Father’s glory
Blaze, Spirit, Blaze
Set our hearts on fire
Flow, river, flow
Flood the nations with
grace and mercy
Send forth Your Word
Lord, and let there be light.
Carolyn Samuel is pursuing her research in Holocaust Literature at Lady Doak College. She lives with her husband Godson Samuel in Hyderabad.
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