08 Mar Death of a Guru
The book is an autobiography written by a Guru by birth, a devoted Yogi by tradition and truth seeker by nature; by the way, a supposed to be a great Brahmin. Born into a Hindu Brahmin family, inspired by his admired great-god-yogifather who never spoke a word to him, Rabi R. Maharaj, the truth seeker, followed his father’s footsteps devotedly and sincerely. Everywhere he went people started worshipping him as did to his admired and worshipped father even when he was a boy. He was trained in temples, destined to be one of the greatest Yogis. He was taught how to meditate as taught in the Gita, which he later said to be Eastern Mysticism; even the western people are like big open mouth gobbling EM in pursuit of temporary enjoyment; involving with the unknown spirits in the universe. “You are a god,” he was deceived; in fact everyone is a god/des says Hinduism; you only need to realise it. Being a devoted yogi, Rabi found himself possessed by the spirit of anger, hatred and what not: he almost smashed his aunt’s head in anger. Later his friend, Molli, shared to him about Jesus and His ‘forgiveness’ the concept that does not exist in Hinduism. He rebuked her even as he knew that he was empty inside with all the meditation. But Molli’s message touched him, his deep longing for peace and he later accepted Christ. He not only accepted Christ but also won others to Him. Yet, one of his most challenging persons is his beloved mother who even received the title ‘Swamy’ for being a faithful follower of the great Yogi and a Guru, Muktananda. Later, she was also won to Christ through reading the Bible that Rabi gave her as a special gift.
I would like to recommend this book for all of you who would like to understand about the spirit involvement in the spiritual realm of our days. As we know, even our land, Shillong, is affected so badly by this mysticism. Many of our young friends possessed and controlled by spirits unknowingly by listening to Metal, punk rock, rock music, drugs, yoga . . . which inspire lawlessness and rebellion against God. Rabi exposed the deception of Lucifer through his book which is in the meantime a testimony of Jesus love for everyone. Therefore anyone who likes to equip oneself to fight against spiritual dominion and expose Satan’s tricks should read it. It is mentioned in this book that the free mason, the Mormon and many other western cult groups have roots in Hinduism. In fact, Eastern Mysticism/religion has affected our world so terribly. Read once and you will say, “Uhuh, there’s your secret Satan!” The language used is simple and understandable by any average non-native English speaker. You will surely be fascinated how God met this spirits possessed yogi and how he changed his family even when they faced opposition; God changed the heart of the family.
Joshwa Lyngdoh, Member of Shillong EGF
(Courtesy: UESI-NE Family Link)
No of Pages: 208
Price: 149/-
Copies Available at IVP India Book Room.
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