14 Jun Hope amidst Chaos
Fewer weekend plans, fewer physical fellowship gatherings, fewer programs on college campuses, and even lesser outings with family – all these things used to be new once, but gradually they blended into our lives in such a way that we accepted them as the ‘new normal’ post coronavirus outbreak. This new normal from now on will always be part of our lives, so in the words of Nancy DeMoss, “In every circumstance, you can choose to respond in one of two ways: you can whine or you can worship!” The festive season surrounds you with celebrations of Christmas and the New Year, filled with lights, decorations, sweets, and laughter. Underneath all this, there is a hidden pain that goes deep inside many hearts. We try to cover it with facades of fake smiles and try to hold back our tears. The truth is that we have still not adjusted to this New Normal, we still crave for those days of our lives that were much more peaceful; we dwell in the past, and time and again we look back at the wounds in our hearts. This past year has been filled with many different feelings. You may have lost a dear one, you may have faced struggles within your family, you may have gone through a season of depression or loneliness, you may have faced challenges in studies or at the workplace. But, even in moments such as these, there is hope, even in your weaknesses, God is close to you, even in those messed up emotions which you cannot handle, He understands you.
The days of our lives are full of chaos which keeps on increasing. In this ever changing chaos, what stays the same? The answer to that is Jesus Christ. The hope, comfort, joy, and love which He gives you is beyond your limited understanding. He gives you the comfort and hope no other human being can ever give you, the hope and comfort that ‘stays, stays even amidst chaos.’
I do not know about the rough patch you are going through in life right now but I request you, take a moment, stop whatever you are doing, and smile! God knows your every thought and unspoken struggle. He has recorded every tear which you shed, He has carved you on the palm of his hand. In this world, you will always have trouble and chaos, but take heart, He has overcome this world. (John 16:33). He has died for you, conquered death for you, and yet in every breath He has loved you, with an everlasting love.
You do not know what the future holds but you very well know who holds the future. He is your closest friend and your Abba father, run into His arms and pour out everything to Him. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. (Psalm 23:6). As we boldly embrace this New Normal, may we experience His unconditional love, His immense peace, His sweet comfort, and His greatest Hope, in all the days of our lives!
Stuti Farmer Hails from Dehradun and completed B.Sc in Botany Zoology and Geology. She is a student representative in UESI Communication and Networking Department and also serves as the Secretary of ICEU Dehradun and a member of UK SSC.
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