18 Jan Is My Life Worth Living?
There are many fractures in our lives that keep pulling us down as we go about in our Christian life. Certain circumstances that are a result of these fractures lead to some of the following questions:
– When we are not able to achieve things in life, we ask: Why am I not able to, while the others are doing so well?
– When we look at ourselves, our personality and the ways in which we are unlike others, we ask: why am I like this while the others look so beautiful, smart and handsome?
– When we hear some people or sometimes even our parents commenting ‘he/she is not supposed to have been in this world’, ‘we had not planned this child’, ‘he/she was born accidentally’, etc. we ask: why was I born?
– When the parents say, we wanted a boy but we had this girl, we ask: why was I born as a girl and not as a boy? And vice versa.
We ask a lot of questions – What am I doing here? Why was I born? Is my life worth living? Is anything good happening with me? What am I worth? Etc.,
Asking such questions is only natural but we shouldn’t come to any quick conclusions.
We can take two approaches to answer these questions:
- The first approach is the approach the world takes to answer these questions. When we try to answer from this perspective the outcome is in various ways, which may not satisfy, convince or workout. Sometimes they may not bring any change or difference. And at times they may have drastic negative implications that can pull us further down in our life causing depression and often leading to taking drastic steps
- The other way is to look at these questions as how God sees them or what the Bible has to say about them. This approach not only takes us to the right conclusions but also helps us find out our worth; and gives confidence to face the challenges of life and handle them with God’s ability and gain self-respect.
David in Psalms 139 answers this question “Is my birth accidental?”
David begins Psalms 139 by stating that God knows all about us. He is ‘acquainted with’ all of our ways. All our ways – that means, He knows us better than anyone. He knows us personally and intimately. Isn’t it awesome to know that God knows us so well?
We cannot fool Him. We can’t hide ourselves from God. If we do so, we are only fighting a losing battle. He is with us always and everywhere. He knows us, our inner most being and our very beginning. In fact, verse 13 says that He is the one who formed us. He made us fearfully and wonderfully. From our fingerprints to our funny bone, God made us perfectly. He knows us so well for He knit us together.
Verse 15 says He intricately put together all that is required in us to fulfill His plans in and through our lives. He made us skillfully, like an embroider with many colors, carefully and beautifully brought together. He made us perfectly. He didn’t make a mistake or do anything wrong with us. He didn’t leave anything out. God made us exactly the way He wanted to. He is the loving father who knows what is best for you and me and made wise plans for you and me. He put in a great deal of effort into making us. So, Can we be accidental? If we are just an accident, why does God have to put so much effort into us?
Yes, God created you and me uniquely; that means there is no one else like you or me. You are unique, one of a kind! The way you are made, the way you think, the things you are interested in, the things you are good at, the experiences you have; all of it is only you. No one else. No one else looks exactly like you, no one else does things exactly like you do. Isn’t it incredible that God made you different from everyone else? Have you ever thought of it? Have you ever met anyone just like you? Are at least somewhat like you? I don’t think so!
Why did God take so much interest in making you so special and different? Verse 16 says it is because God has a special plan for you. He made you for a special purpose – a purpose that only you can achieve; only for you to accomplish. Even before you were born into this world they were planned. That means they will surely be fulfilled as long as you obey God. They are fashioned for you alone. God made you. He knows you. He has great plans for you in store. You may not know what any of those plans are yet. You will know them as you go along obeying Him and you are going to love them. God has an exciting adventure planned for you. And the best part is that He’s promised to walk with you every step of the way.
What do you think God wants you to do? God wants to use all those things that make you so unique, to do something that will make a difference in this world. When we let Him use everything that He has put into us, we not only have a chance to change the people around us but we also bring glory to God. How can God use these things you are made of to change the world around you unless you are available to Him? You are worth a lot to God and to the world. Now, how can you say you are nothing? Can you say that life is not worth living? Can you say that you can do nothing? Or you are good for nothing? You have a lot to do and accomplish with God’s help.
You are unique, one of a kind! The way you are made, the way you think, the things you are interested in, the things you are good at, the experiences you have; all of it is only you. No one else.
David goes on to say in verse 17 that God’s thoughts for us are precious countless. If our lives and work are not to be lost in the vastness of eternity, they must be conformed to the plans and work that God had designed for you and me. We can only discover it as we study and search God’s word.
What are some ways in which you are unique? How can God use those things to change the world around you?
Aruna Fullonton, Former UESI Staff
Posted at 21:41h, 02 AprilHey Ma’am it’s really encouraging…Thank you for giving me new hope again