Business organisations and Institutions measure greatness by personal achievement. In Christ’s Kingdom, however, Service is the way to get ahead. The desire to be on top will hinder, not help. Rather than looking at society to meet your needs, look for ways in which you can minister to the needs of others.
The upside down kingdom – the world’s approach to leadership and the church’s approach to leadership are two different things. In the world, a person starts a job at the lower level and keeps working up. Then after arriving at the top, the person looks down at every one who is serving and says “I am the boss, and all these people do my bidding.” But Jesus declares that anyone who desires to be a leader in the Kingdom of God must take this model and turn it upside down. The question in the Kingdom of God is not how many people are serving the leaders, but how many people are the leaders serving? In the kingdom of God the way up is the way down. The more useful people want to be to God, the general responsibility to serve others will increase. (Matt. 20:26). True leaders go out of their way to serve others (Lk. 22:25-27).
As a servant-Leader, Christ submitted His life to His Father. He said, “My father, if it is possible let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as You will. Again going away second time, He prayed saying, My father if this cannot pass away unless I drink it, Your will be done. (Lk. 22:42).
Christ was teaching humility – In Lk. 22:24 Jesus asked about greatness, and taught about serving others. The mother of the sons of Zebedee came to Jesus Christ. Actually she was the sister of Mary, the mother of Jesus. So she wanted special position for her two sons in His kingdom. Parent’s natural desire may sometimes go against God’s plan. It is a lesson to parents not to put their desires above God’s plans. . The mother of James & John knelt and asked the honour of sitting next to Christ for her sons. It was a bitter cup of sorrow to drink, Jesus said. In the world, kings and tyrants rule over the people but the Kingdom of God is different – whoever wants to be a leader must be a servant. A real leader has the servant heart. Servant leader appreciate other’s worth and realise they are not above any job. If you see something that needs to be done, don’t wait for someone to ask you . . . Take the initiative and do it like a faithful servant. (Matt. 20.27) Authority is given not for self-importance, ambition or respect but for useful service to God and His creation.
Peter once asked Jesus, “We left everything to follow You, what will I get?” (Matt.19:27). Later, he denied Jesus three times, but when he realised His faults, he repented and served the Lord. (Matt.19:30).
In the earthly life we are all living in the Time frame. But in God’s Kingdom we will live forever without a time frame. For that life we have to be a Servant of the Lord and not a Leader. The role of Leadership and authority is in the hands the Saviour. Christ surrendered His life to the Father and the Father has honoured Him with glory; if we willingly surrender to God as Jesus did, we will be honoured in His kingdom too. The reward will not based on your qualification, beauty, colour, race, ethnic group, inheritance of your wealth, or any other material thing. The reward will be based on your humility, and service to Christ, to redeem mankind, helping others, praying for the needs, healing the sick and casting out the demons and sharing the Gospel. Let us pray daily that Lord may open our spiritual eyes and strengthen us to fulfil the vision, mission God has entrusted to us. He gives victory to those who suffer for Christ (Rev. 20:4). The Final reward is waiting for those who wait upon the Lord. (Rev. 2:26, 27).
Mr. Sekar. J works for BHEL, living with his family in Chennai, is involved in EGF
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