Share the Truth in your Campus

As a Christian college student, being vocal about your faith is never an easy thing to do. Speaking the truth often means you will be attacked with malicious comments and mockery. So, it is very easy to lay back and drift into a passive approach with your faith. Why shouldn’t you just be quiet and keep your faith to yourself? It’s much simpler that way.

But we are ambassadors for Christ (2 Cor 5:20) and we speak for Christ when we plead “Come back to God!” It is of utmost urgency that our broken, war torn, love-hungry world knows about Christ. And as His ambassadors, we have an amazing opportunity to share His love with those around us.

We live in a country and a world where speaking the truth is mostly rewarded with a jail sentence based on false charges, or as it is referred to in recent internet lingo, “cancel culture”. To keep standing up for God in a world like this is incredibly difficult. Our beliefs are questioned and torn apart mercilessly by society as they mock everything that we stand for. In such a context, small doubts may creep into our own minds whether all this is really worth it, because we seem to be the only ones believing. But God is Truth, and the truth is still the truth, even if no one believes it.

In college, we face hurdles to share the gospel with others since the majority is disinterested or averse to the idea of a ‘God’. They are content living life on their own terms without being accountable to a higher power. It is convenient to disregard the truth and continue believing in the lies that comfort them. Our world thrives on lies and the devil, the “father of lies”, uses every weapon at his disposal to keep people trapped in this web of deceit. They believe that freedom means living life on their own terms. Sadly, what they do not realise is that they are sinking deep into a life of slavery to sin.

As followers of Christ, we have experienced the joy and freedom that comes from knowing Jesus and living for Him. And it is our duty to share the truths of God’s Word which are far more powerful than any lie the devil can throw at us. As we share these truths in love, let us pray that it will set free those enslaved to a life of sin. “ Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free,” (Jn 8:32).

So let us be strong and courageous as we set out to share God’s Word without fear, for the Lord will always be with us (Josh 1:9). Let us remember that we are the letter of Christ, to be known and read by all, written not with ink, but the Spirit of the Living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts (2 Cor 3:2,3).

Let us live our lives in such a way that we are the fragrance of Christ, to those who are saved and a stench to those who are perishing (2 Cor 2:15). When others see this hope in us and ask the reason, we should be able to tell them with gentleness and respect (1 Pet 3:15).

This might seem like a daunting task, but our competence comes from God (1 Cor 2:5) and He will equip us as he equipped Gideon against the Midianites. Let us not be discouraged when people seem indifferent because God will lead us to the right people who have a hunger for Him. I am often reminded of C S Lewis’ ‘Chronicles of Narnia’ series, where the young Calormene Emeth at the end, finds his devotion to Aslan, though he was worshipping the false God Tash his entire life. He writes that “all will find what they truly seek”, so we can rest in the assurance that those who truly seek God will find Him.

So let us reflect Christ in us as we go about our daily lives in our campuses and be witnesses for Him, because we might be the only Bible some people will ever read.

Kezia Liz Jacob, doing B.A. LLB, a five year integrated law course in O.P Jindal Global University, Sonepat, Haryana. She is passionate about apologetics, reading and playing music in her free time.

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