13 Mar Simple Lifestyle
Simple lifestyle is something that is more talked about than practiced.
Jesus is our model of simplicity by being born in a manger instead of a palace. Though He was God and existed with His Father with all splendor and majesty, He emptied Himself and came to the earth in the form of a servant, (Phil. 2:6-8). The Bible says, “. . . though He was rich he became poor for your sake, that you through His poverty might become rich” (2 Cor. 8:9).
We can purposefully become poor to make the poor rich by commitment to Christ, determination and meticulous planning as followers of Jesus Christ. He will make us like Him for sure.
In this world of extravaganza and consumerism, people buy things not because we need them but because the neighbors have them. We need to safeguard us from such dangers and sue that money for the poor and needy.
We should own as few things as possible and have only the things our family needs.
Our culture has been whispering to us, “more is better”. As we turn away from this, we need to be intentional about how we go about. It feels good to reject the cultural imperative to accumulate. It feels good to refute the status quo. It feels like the opposite of mindless consumption.
Designing a simple life doesn’t just mean throwing out things rather having fewer distractions in our life to focus on what really matters. It’s about saying ‘yes’ to what is right.
It means having more of some things: more time, energy, space, flex in the budget & more peace of mind. It means having less of others: less distractions, frustration, clutter, drain on your resources.
Becoming content with what we have is the starting point to give things to others in need. Right understading of who we are, purpose in our life, and what we value in life will lead us to be content and simple.
We can analyse our possessions, schedules, our routines, our energy, our time and relationships.
What does this bring to my life?
What would my life be like without this?
Why do I have this in my life?
Do these move me toward the life I want to live, or away from it?
Does it add value or beauty to my days?
Am I investing my resources where it matters the most?
We can design a simple life, a life of purpose removing the clutter we don’t need.
Here I share some practical tips for a simple lifestyle and cost-cutting measures:
The most expensive dress isn’t the best always. Even wedding dresses are bought though worn only a few times before they are worn out. So with the less money we can buy more sarees. Good stuff are available in roadside shops even Good shoes for cheaper prices.
Let’s take caution against the increasing craze for latest gadgets due to peer pressure.
Vehicles like cars and bikes are to be bought for our need only. Used vehicles in good conditions can be considered
While choosing a house, go for our minimum requirements. Small accommodations are always easy for maintenance.
In marriages, anniversaries and birthdays, we can avoid wasting food and lavish spending.
Schooling of children seem a prestige matter for parents. Instead of expensive schools which drain our money, look for a school that is good and affordable.
Carrying water and home food for travel saves our money and health.
Judicius use of water and electricity will preserve them for our next generation.
Water from the kitchen and RO units can be reused for watring plants and flushing the toilets.
Let me clarify here that I am not advocating cheap things rather for quality goods rather. for medium priced goods than the most expensive ones.
If we do conscious cost cutting in all these areas, we will have enough money with us to support the poor and needy. A little finger can be extended to combat poverty. Simple living is the best life as it is purposeful like Jesus’.
(A few thoughts taken from http://nosidebar.com/design-a-simple-life/)
Jose Thomas
The author is the Secretary of the Staff Development Dept of UESI, staying with his wife Lizy Jose and Children Jyothis, Jwala & Jeevan and his mother.
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