11 Jan The Kite
One day my maker made me a Kite out of normal paper. He did His best to make me beautiful. He gave me wings to fly in the sky. He painted me like a butterfly. I was ready to fly in the sky. But I had fear deep inside me. I said to my maker ‘Master you are not with me while I am flying in the sky then how can I fly?’ Then the master replied, ‘Dear lovely kite I will hold you connected always through the thread, when you fly, I may not be visible, but if you miss the connection with me through the thread you will fall somewhere else.
So be careful to stay connected with me through the thread and not to rebel and go ahead with the flow of the wind, against your limit on seeing worldly pleasures.’
Having listened to all these instructions, the master slowly relieved me through the thread. Though I struggled to fly initially, my master kept encouraging me. I started to fly and see the world for what it is and enjoyed it. I had great courage to connect with my master through the thread and my master was so happy about me. My master didn’t allow me to fly to heights where I couldn’t balance. But, this made me feel bad. I forgot my master’s instructions and only saw the deceitful world. I started to rebel against the master and cut my relationship[connection] with the thread.
After that I couldn’t bear the force of the wind against me resulting in me flying erratically. I couldn’t fly with balance and felt that something was wrong and that I was falling. I fell where I didn’t want to . Now people who appreciated me at one time did not even look at me now. I was neglected and abandoned. Now only I realized my mistake and my master’s loving word. I cried a lot. I thought my master would hate me and think ill of me. But that thought went totally wrong when my master came in search of me. It was His grace that I fell near my master’s place and my Master found me. He gave me first aid and removed my broken wings and instead gave me new wings to soar. I was so touched by the way he cared for me. I decided not to leave my master by staying connected, while flying. I thank God that my broken relationship with my Master was restored.
Dear friends, Remember your Creator and stay connected with Him through His Word. Do not feel bad when he does not allow you to reach some heights. It’s for your safety only. Do not rebel against God by not obeying his command. He created you to live for him. He loves you the way you are!
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. John 15:5-7
Jesintha Mercury and her husband Mercury are UESI-TN staff based at Chennai. They are blessed with a daughter, Jovitta.
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