03 Feb Words ring with Harmony or Discord?
The very first word that comes out of a toddler’s mouth is such a sweet melody that keeps on chiming in the ears of its parents.It is such a wonderful melody the child plays naturally. Imagine the delight it brings to the family. Yes, words are instruments we’ve been taught to play by our Creator, the very moment we breathe air. How beautifully we sound them, lies in our hands as we learn, how, during the course of our lives. We can choose to play gently or harshly. The Bible clearly says in Proverbs 15:1, “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger”. We need to take a look at how our words sound. Do they bring harmony or do they strike discord? Harmony is a state of oneness that echoes with all the voices pitched with the right tone.All our words
need to be carefully articulated. While singing, we need to sing from our stomachs to make it sound beautiful. But, while speaking, we need to sound out words from our hearts – true and honest. Many times we fail to sound pleasant as it’s not from our hearts.
Words spoken at the right moment with the right attitude never fail to make an impression. How often do we sound SORRYs, PLEASEs and THANK YOUs? These are words with great potential. Words have the attitude to bring about change drastically. So, do we speak out with genuine reasons or do we just utter them to gossip or while away our precious moments?
The Bible states in Pro. 10:19, When words are many, sin is not absent. Do our words resound with love, care, and genuine concern or do they sound harsh and utterly useless? An instrument that is out of tune cannot produce the right sounds. Similarly, a persons’ heart, if it is not tuned to the Master’s heart, cannot produce the right words. So how do we tune ourselves? We need to get acquainted with the tactics Jesus used for various occasions. Each situation was dealt differently and wisely. We need to learn from Jesus.
For the vileness of the Pharisees, Jesus had smartness. He didn’t make unnecessary statements or speak much. For the centurion, Jesus had words of amazement. To the woman caught in adultery, His silence proved golden in ridding her of her sin. To the widow who offered all she had, Jesus had words of encouragement. To the women who touched the end of His garment, Jesus had her courage acknowledged. When Jesus called Peter the fisherman, He spoke in fish. To the crowds, Jesus had parables – elegant and rich with values.
To Paul the scholar, God spoke with dignity. To Satan, Jesus had words of authority. To the rich young man, Jesus had words of life. To Mary, the sister of Lazarus, Jesus had words of compassion. To the women who poured alabaster jar of oil at His feet, Jesus had words of assurance. When Jesus met the petrified disciples after His crucifixion & resurrection, He had words of peace and reassurance. We need to have both the situation and the listener in our minds before we speak out. Jesus had both within His view point. We need to master the tactics of Jesus in order to master our use of words. Only then we can rout discord and produce harmony.
About the Author
Evelyn is a post-graduate student who has a passion for writing.
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