Imitating the Good Shepherd
PURSUING What does it mean to pursue the sheep God has given us? “I am the gate’” says Jesus. He is our gate, our point of entry to a...
PURSUING What does it mean to pursue the sheep God has given us? “I am the gate’” says Jesus. He is our gate, our point of entry to a...
Published in Evangelical Student (March – June 1970) A University or College Campus constitutes a Society. Students make a large part of this society who together with their lecturers...
One of the most known marketing tools is the ‘marketing mix’ often called ‘the 4Ps’. Coined by Edmund Jerome McCarthy and made popular by Philip Kotler’s Marketing textbooks this concept has...
In His sermon on the mountain side, Jesus used two metaphors to describe what His disciples should be like – salt and light. Salt in the right amount would...
I frequently hear the statement that because I am a Christian I am denied my promotion. In my experience that statement is generally not true, though it is true that...
A quote from the March 1989 issue of the National Council of Churches Review will introduce us to the present day application to Christians in a very pressurisingly secular world. In...
India is in the middle of a phenomenal economic growth. We are the 2nd fastest growing economy in the world and in the foreseeable future could be one of the...
(A prize-winning article in Communication Workshop 2014) India truly is a diverse nation. It boasts about unity in diversity but the stark realities beg to differ. On one hand...
The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person...
Dec 9, 2013 Any idea how it feels like being on a voyage where you haven’t seen a glimpse of land or even a single ship for weeks together?...
In the beginning, as a culmination of creation, God made man in His image – male and female and blessed them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply , and have dominion over...
God has made us special by bestowing unique gifts on us. Ability to relate and articulate is one of them. Each one can develop a personal relationship...